Friday, August 29, 2008

A call to preach?

I went for one of my long walks today, as I do quite often. I take my mp3 player and listen to lectures at covenant theological seminary by Dr Bryan Chapell about preaching (homoletics). I've learnt so much interesting things about preparing sermons that I'm inspired, along with reading John Wesley's journal, to start writing sermons. By doing so I will at least be preaching to myself, but at best I may learn a lot while doing it, and even be able to start sharing with friends or practicing. Or maybe do what TD Jakes did and start preaching in forests. It's still doing God's will :) Just not very strategic :p either way, God seems to have ignited this passion within me after 2 years of not really giving it any thought.

I met with Jeremy the evangelist today, a real encourager. It was cool just to talk through stuff and share our passions. I talked through some questions I had about church and issues I'm working through in scripture which need to be wrestled with. Thanks Jeremy!

I was able to use the gift God gave me this afternoon of a logical mind and knowledge about computers to help Tim get started and motivated to work on an assignment that he's already late to get done and is struggling with.

I finished reading the book "Master plan of evangelism" a very good and almost academic book. Extremely rigorous with scriptures. I need to do the study at the back of it to really apply it to my life. I read Colossians today.

Yesterday I prepared a bible study about the prodigal son. It's going to go along with the la busqueta video we got given at the Christchurch CCC conference in May (which is a modern retelling of the story). I'm going to lead the outreach group next Wednesday with both resources. Hopefully God will provide a good mix of non believers, new believers, and mature believers to hear the message and discuss it. We already have 4 non-believers who are keen to come. Some are coming to learn English, some because they are just friends, and some because they are seeking Christ. Pray that they would all find Christ through our plans.

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