Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Full-time with Campus Crusade

Well, I've officially been accepted on staff as a missionary for Campus Crusade for Christ for 2008, and I'll be placed at the University of Waikato!

Student Life is actually what we call ourselves on campus in New Zealand - the other name doesn't go down well with muslims and the like. I'm busy support raising, and I'm looking for a team of prayer and financial supporters. I'm trusting God to raise about $3450 per month at the moment before I can start on campus next year - a huge amount, I'm just hoping he can trust me with it! I'm really excited about this, so if you're keen on supporting me in any way, shoot me an email at

Stuff that we do on campus are outreaches to students like hot chocolate giveaways in the middle of winter, 1 on 1 discipleship, group bible studies, help serve students at the halls by moving them in, evangelism training, actively sharing on campus every day, give away free magazines and share the gospel with those who are interested, and prayer & praise at the chapel. We also have a weekly meeting which is a less daunting place to bring friends along to than church - where we have people giving testimonies and a guest speaker each time.

Incase you're wondering why so much per month? Well, finances go toward: ministry resources, training, travel, phone calls, conferences and retreats, admin, office supplies, money for me to live, an overseas trip, and more.

Please get in touch if you'd like to help fulfill the great commision on campus. Students are strategic - they graduate and go all over the world to leadership positions where they have an influence. We can't just let them pass through without having the opportunity to say yes to Jesus! God bless.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Learn theology from credible professors for free online

I've stumbled across one of the most sound theological resources on the internet. After seeing so much crap out there by people with no qualifications whatsoever, I finally found a website which has recorded whole courses at leading seminaries and divinity schools around the world. The website is funded by donations alone, and is costing tens of thousands to finish (they want a proper curriculum up).

Every speaker on the website has a doctorate in theology. As an academic, this is particularly important for me. There are so many people out there with their own interpretations of the bible (my blog is probably one of them). Having a qualification in theology means you at least have knowledge of what sound evangelical doctrines are. It's important to be discerning in these end days. I've looked over their in-depth statement of faith and it sounds excellent too. Finally, I can go to harvard divinity school without leaving my bedroom! Stoked!!! The only thing is, I'll be getting the knowledge without getting the qualifications... hmmm..

Can some other people please check it out and let me know your opinions about it (reply to this post). It almost seems too good to be true. Please do check it out properly though instead of writing it off as just another free online source.