Monday, May 7, 2007

My Water Baptism

I realised my birthday is on a Sunday this year! Why is that exciting? Because I've been meaning to be water baptised - make a public declaration of my faith in Jesus Christ. Water baptism symbolizes Jesus' death and resurrection - dying to our old selves and starting an exciting new (eternal!) life in Him.

So for anyone reading this who's interested in coming along, I'm going to ask Eastside Apostolic Church in Hamilton if they would hold a baptism after the 10:40am service on July 8. Put it on your calendar! Everyone is invited, even if you're not a Christian.


Ellen Rose said...

Hey, That is absolutely fantastic that you are planning on getting baptised. I can say that I will definately be there for that. I can't wait for the awesome event.

God bLess

Jeremy Sargent said...

Rock on Dood !!1
Great stuff
Takes me back 14years ago that does