Tuesday, July 14, 2009

How does Satan speak to us?

Do you have any "negative self talk"? What do you say to yourself when no one else is listening?

On occasion I catch myself in a quiet place, or first thing in the morning, or late at night thinking thoughts like "you're useless", "you're wrong", "you don't deserve to be a Christian", "you're an idiot", "you're so weak", "you won't make it", and so on. Have you ever noticed anything like this in your own mind? There is a war waging there. A very real war.

But did you notice, the lies so often come in the 3rd person. Do I always refer to myself in the 3rd person? No. Why then do these thoughts or voices in my head talk to me as though someone else is saying them to me? Because they are. These are the voices of the devil talking to us. Trying to tempt us to despair. Trying to take us out of the fight and would us. To throw us off track. To convince us that "of course God is not real". To kill us.

Not only does God speak to us, but there are daemons whispering to us throughout the day. We MUST NOT BELIEVE HIS LIES. What scares me the most is that so often I hear Satan's voice in my mind louder than the voice of God. I need to saturate my mind more with scriptures.

Am I talking rubbish? Who are you believing? Satan's main target is us Christians:

Rev 12:17 So the dragon [Satan] was enraged with the woman, and went off to make war with the rest of her children, who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus.

All we need to do is resist the devil, and he will flee from us. If we listen to him and invite him to come closer; if we choose to obey him, then we will reap destruction and death and be very wounded in battle. But if we resist him by rebuking his lies with specific scriptures like Jesus did, then he will not harm us. This lifetime is war, the next is paradise. Who's side are you on?

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