Sunday, August 24, 2008

Ripple effect

Back in late February I was reading the bible when I got mad at how software piracy is normal in the church. I realised I was guilty of it myself, so I got all my pirated cd's and smashed them.

Well, since then, God has used me to create a ripple effect. The waves are still travelling through the pond! Daniel was next after me to delete his music - the very next day after myself. Daniel's flatmate got convicted when he did that. Now my flatmate Aaron repented and smashed his cd's (Hilarious video at, and Trinity has smashed his copied PS2 games. Aaron lead a talk with all the men who came to our student lead Spring Retreat and everyone was challenged to get rid of the stealing in their lives. Stephen, Neil, and Trinity are deleting their music. Rom 2:21 says "You who preach that one should not steal, do you steal?". Well now, more guys are getting keen to live a life of integrity - away from hipocracy and are taking the disk smashing challenge! Praise the Lord! Will you join us? Will you lead your families or future families with corruption or with godly integrity?

I hear about Mike Guglielmucci building lies in front of people's eyes as a Christian leader and falling when he had to admit he lied about having terminal cancer. It's amazing what a small sin in the dark can escalate to! So once again I am reminded how important accountability is, and how I need to be more intentional and vigorous at confessing my sins to others that I trust.

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