When talking to people of all walks of life, I find that we differ most in opinion about the following four questions:
- What's the origin of life?
- Are moral standards set by culture? If not, where do they come from?
- What's our destiny?
- What's the meaning of life?
I sometimes found myself confused and scared when I thought about the answers to these questions. I used to believe we had no soul and that when we died we simply died in the physical way. Let me tell you, that's the devil trying to pull you down into hell. I even had to rewrite this entire article because the devil wouldn't allow it to be saved on my website that easily. And I'm a computer expert.
Life is more than just the physical. We are spiritual beings, hence why most of the Human population has believed in some form of higher being since the beginning of time. The good news is that God in the flesh, Jesus Christ, provided answers for all of these questions and more. His answers to the above four questions are in line with reality and have internal consistency, unlike any other faith system. Click read more below to find out the answers.
You mean someone knows where we came from?
You bet! The book of Genesis in The Bible tells us that we are created in God's image by God himself. We are not identical to God, but distinct from Him. Since we are created in his image, God gave us dominion over all living creatures and plants. Furthermore, because we are made in His image, this accounts for human beings having a moral point of reference.
Moral point of what?
Moral point of reference. In a nutshell God gave us free will and the conscience to know what is right and wrong in our hearts. However, it's in our nature to try and live life our own way, by the corrupt moral standards imposed from society and culture. We can inevitably set those values, so it doesn't make any sense to judge us against them. But there's a set of morals that don't change: The entry requirements to heaven as set by God. God is permanent, eternal, infinite, and inseparable from his character. Just in case we can't see those values in our heart, Moses spelled them out for us in the book of Exodus in The Bible.
So wait a second, if I abide by these moral standards I have a free ticket to heaven? Absolutely, but is God first in your life? Do you love him with "heart, mind, soul and strength"? Have you made a God to suit yourself? Have you used his name in vain? Have you set aside a day for rest in God? Have you always honored your parents? Have you ever hated anyone, and therefore committed murder in your heart? Have you looked with lust and therefore committed adultery in your heart? Have you lied (including "fibs"), stolen (the value is irrelevant), or coveted other people's possessions? If you are honest you know you will be found guilty on Judgment Day. And this isn't a movie about robots who take over the world.
Sounds hard? The only man alive who could do it was Jesus - and he was God, so that doesn't count!
So what's our destiny then? An eternity in hell?
Yes. Not!! God loves us too much for that! He doesn't want that to happen, but he does require that heaven is perfect. God has made provision for your debt to the law to be paid in full, so you can be completely forgiven and enter heaven when you die.
When Jesus died on the cross, He was taking your punishment Himself. You broke God's Law, but Jesus Christ paid your fine. Three days later he rose from the grave, defeating death, proving he was God and proving that all he said was true.
To be forgiven of all your sin, God is commanding you to sincerely repent (to turn away from all the things you know are wrong) and to trust in his Son for the rest of your life. When you repent honestly and sincerely before God, acknowledging your sin and turning from it, and accepting Jesus Christ as your Saviour, God will forgive you and grant you everlasting life. It's a free gift! But in order for someone to give a gift, the receiver must take it.
Okay so eternal life aside, why am I here on earth?
One reason: To glorify and worship God, our creator! I think the decisions we make on this life determine our place in the next life. Look at everything around you, including the complexity of DNA. Is this an accident? Did we evolve to be so intelligent? How great is our God!
If you want to know more, get in touch with me!