Friday, December 21, 2007
Our strength or God's strength?
But is this even a valid question? God hasn't yet revealed that to me biblically - would anyone like to use examples from scripture of characters who tried to do stuff on their own strenth versus with God's empowerment? Is this a New Testament thing?
I would love to hear people's opinions about this statement. What exactly does it mean? Is it biblical theology? How do we know when we are doing something in God's strenth? Isn't everything we do in God's strength - I heard someone else say that "We're only alive because God is keeping us alive", which sounds pretty true to me since God brought us into existence in the first place.
Does the question simply entail being filled with the Spirit? If so, how full do we have to be of the Spirit to be doing something in God's strength? And again, how can we be sure?
Sunday, December 9, 2007
The big 1/4
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
I've realised that I'm inherently a calvinist in my beliefs, but that those beliefs don't always live out in practise - especially when witnessing. They are more the underlying big picture as seen more from God's eyes than my own. Being down here on earth where we have an apparent free will, and can't see God working in people, it's a bit of a different story - it comes to obeying God then (esp. praying and preaching). Hmmm what an interesting mindset to try and define, but I think I just did.
I've been getting into some inductive bible study recently. It's been awesome! I've been pressing deep into God, and he's been drawing closer to me. I'm definitely an intellectual. It's slow study, but the depth is way worth it - I find I remember scripture way easier. I don't have to intentionally memorise it when I study inductively - I just understand it so well that I can use it in context when talking to people (I think that's how it works). Praise the Holy Spirit of truth! Oh, there's a good book we got given in new staff training about the technique (it seems to me like deriving your own study notes and chapter and book titles & themes). The book is called "How to study your bible" by Kay Arthur. It's pretty cheap on amazon.. highly recommended.
That's it for now, God bless and have a Merry Christmas! Remember to take time this Christmas to remember Christ and what he did for us - and how gracious the Father was to send Him. We don't deserve Him at all, but God in his love lavished the riches of His grace upon us! (Eph 1:7,8)
Monday, November 5, 2007
Status Report
I was a little put off by blogging because I know that I will be judged more strictly if I teach. And so I don't want to teach wrongly! But recently I've discovered two awesome words. Exegeses and Eisegeses. Both are ways of interpreting scripture.
Exegeses: always good. you start with the passage of scripture, and go outwards from the meaning of that.
Eisegeses: generally bad because you have a concept and you try and find scripture to back it up (you usually always can too - but it's not the complete picture). This isn't systematic and can lead to heresies, because it's not representing "what does this scripture actually say".
Well, if I ensure my hermeneutics are based on exegeses, then I should in theory be able to share sound theology. God willing, I will be able to do it in practise. Now that we've got the big words out of the way, I'll share something a little more tangible:
Support Raising Status: Currently 8% (pledge received). God is providing, and it's great to see people get excited about what God's doing on campus. However, I'm starting to feel the burn, and am getting quite tired. I've started having afternoon naps even though I've been eating pretty well, exercising, and sleeping regularly and properly. I'm gonna try iron suppliments as recommended by Beth's mum (it always takes a mum), and maybe slow down the pace just a tad.
If you are reading this please pray for me now. It's hard work! God bless you all.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Full-time with Campus Crusade

Student Life is actually what we call ourselves on campus in New Zealand - the other name doesn't go down well with muslims and the like. I'm busy support raising, and I'm looking for a team of prayer and financial supporters. I'm trusting God to raise about $3450 per month at the moment before I can start on campus next year - a huge amount, I'm just hoping he can trust me with it! I'm really excited about this, so if you're keen on supporting me in any way, shoot me an email at
Stuff that we do on campus are outreaches to students like hot chocolate giveaways in the middle of winter, 1 on 1 discipleship, group bible studies, help serve students at the halls by moving them in, evangelism training, actively sharing on campus every day, give away free magazines and share the gospel with those who are interested, and prayer & praise at the chapel. We also have a weekly meeting which is a less daunting place to bring friends along to than church - where we have people giving testimonies and a guest speaker each time.
Incase you're wondering why so much per month? Well, finances go toward: ministry resources, training, travel, phone calls, conferences and retreats, admin, office supplies, money for me to live, an overseas trip, and more.
Please get in touch if you'd like to help fulfill the great commision on campus. Students are strategic - they graduate and go all over the world to leadership positions where they have an influence. We can't just let them pass through without having the opportunity to say yes to Jesus! God bless.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Learn theology from credible professors for free online
Every speaker on the website has a doctorate in theology. As an academic, this is particularly important for me. There are so many people out there with their own interpretations of the bible (my blog is probably one of them). Having a qualification in theology means you at least have knowledge of what sound evangelical doctrines are. It's important to be discerning in these end days. I've looked over their in-depth statement of faith and it sounds excellent too. Finally, I can go to harvard divinity school without leaving my bedroom! Stoked!!! The only thing is, I'll be getting the knowledge without getting the qualifications... hmmm..
Can some other people please check it out and let me know your opinions about it (reply to this post). It almost seems too good to be true. Please do check it out properly though instead of writing it off as just another free online source.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
The purpose of music
Why does it naturally seem so right that music should be shared? And without putting holes in our pockets...
Why is music pleasing to our brains? What possible reason do we have to enjoy music - rythmic beats and melodies?
Music exists for worship. We are supposed to play music for our God and others, and the feelings we get are a side-effect blessing of listening to the music ourselves. What other possible reason do we have to enjoy music so much, and even depend on it in our lives sometimes? Why does our conscience tell us that music should be a free thing, and that music companies shouldn't be making billions off sales? I agree that some people take up some process of producing music as a job, and they deserve their pay, but is a new album really worth $30NZD+ for a copy? Shouldn't we be free to sing or play songs that others have written? What's with all the copyright crap? Would you pay money to listen to the radio? Why does everyone wish they could sing if they don't think they can in their eyes?
I believe something has gone wrong with music over the centuries. Instead of worshipping the Lord with our music, we have turned it around and we now worship good musicians as idols.
Taking the most popular two views of existence, the reason we are able to connect with music so well doesn't make sense for either of them except in the circumstance of worship:
Evolution: How could we evolve to enjoy music? Or better yet, why?? If you follow natural selection, why would the better of us be the ones who can understand music? Is music really that critical to our survival?
Special Creation: If God created us in his image, why would he create us to enjoy music? Does God enjoy music?
God enjoys the music of our hearts. Audio is one way of expressing our love for God, and as mentioned in the bible it is an important one. Why do we sing at every church service no matter what sort of church it is? It's just normal right. Imagine if we had to pay to worship Jesus at church. Hah! The bible has hundreds of verses about people singing to the Lord; singing with all their voice and all their heart. There's even a whole book (Psalms) in the bible containing just songs in the original hebrew language it was written in. But there's no book in the bible about selling music.
There are so many verses I could list to sum up this post, but I'm going to just pick 1 - one of my favourite. It's Ephesians 5:19,20 from the NIV:
"Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."
So let me encourage you. If you are singing for God, it doesn't matter if you don't sound perfect in your own eyes. If your heart is right with God, then to Him it sounds just like what you were made for. The longer I live, the more I come to the conclusion that the reason for our existence is to glorify God.
I'd love to hear your comments on this. If you agree, please let me know by posting a comment. If you disagree, I'd love to hear too!
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Upcoming Free Accountability Software
I need everyone to keep replying to this or messaging and texting or emailing or even calling me or talking to me in person to ask how it's going and to tell me they want to see it finished. Even if it's not something that would help you, imagine how many first year uni guys or high schoolers it would help - I just need to finish it! This will be the first free software of it's kind that I know of. Cheers.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Focusing my time and efforts
I'm being stepped up a bit in leadership and I'm going to be leading a team at the cafe at Eastside Apostolic Church's Sunday night service (7pm).
I plan to lead an action group this semester (with Student Life on campus) - a small group of guys who I'm building into with the ultimate goal of glorifying God by being a servant and sharing his good news. This is the concept of spiritual multiplication - these guys in turn will hopefully build into many others throughout their lives. I guess I'm focusing more on relationships with others this semester.
Jeremy Sargent and I are planning to hold an evangelism workshop at Eastside in late September. I've really bought into the vision of "Here I am Send me" and so will probably be posting and maintaining the website for that instead of my personal blog. I might also be updating the manual to be more concise, interactive, and coherent. At the moment the manual is somewhat difficult to follow and understand without someone teaching the content to you. We'd like to put it up on the website eventually to help get it out there faster, and for those who can't make it to the workshop. I'm excited about the program and what God is going to do through us as we partner together to take the course to a new level. I can see a huge future for it - training local churches to evangelise and building into them and their leadership enough that they'll be able to keep it going with just the website as a resource. It would be amazing to travel around and do that once the program is finished. For more info see
And that's it really, as well as obviously spending quiet time with God! :)
A little more in the future - I'm applying for Student Life as a full-time intern for 2008 (and will need to raise support if I'm accepted - relying completely on God for an income!).
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Only to be with you
The lyrics remind me of how much Jesus has done for us.
"I have climbed highest mountains; I have run through the fields; only to be with you."
Since our very existance, God has been reaching out to us simply saying "I only want to be with you". For every person who believes in Him, God has already gone out of his way just to be with them. God has gone to extremes. Jesus came to earth and suffered tremendously for us. He died for all of us as an innocent man. He just loves us that much. If a sinners death is the price God has to pay just to be with us, then he will do it; and he did.
That's all I wanted to share. Thank you God for your unfailing love.
Monday, July 9, 2007
conference and my 21st birthday
So I had a good sleep after conference, then got water baptised. I was so happy. My whole family came to the church service which was packed and full of life. We had a guest speaker from aussie - James Macphearson, who was amazing. He was so funny. And he did a really long alter call at the end. None of my friends or family went up though. My mum was crying her eyes out afterwards. I don't think she'd ever experienced anything like it. Praise God! After the service was my baptism. I had some really encouraging words spoken to me afterwards. Lots of people said I was a huge inspiration in their lives. I was overwhelmed.

Then we had lunch at gengy's. I had about 30 people come which was totally awesome. We had a ball! Everyone met people and celebrated while eating and drinking too much (my parents paid for it all !!!!!!!). My parents were totally thrilled for me and I think we changed their perception of Christianity, as well as my 3 not-yet christian mates who were there. My dad shared a whole lot of embarassing things I did when I was a kid. He had a whole folder of naked photos - soo embarassing, but everyone split their sides in laughter at hearing my dad describe me now as having a laptop in one hand, a bible in the other, standing in pink gumboots (he had a similar photo). Luckily he also shared some highlights about my life like awards I'd won and my passions.
Then something awesome happened. After my dad gave his speech, everyone made me stand up. I had no idea what to say, so I started by making some comments about what my dad said - admitted they were all true. Then God put it in my heart to share my testimony because there were 6 non-believers in the room. But I spoke to everyone (encouraging christians too).
I shared my story - how I came to know Jesus, and I shared it in a way that related to what my father said! It was such a God thing. I told everyone the truth that out of all the highlights in my life - the awards won, and decisions I've made -the decision to know Jesus personally was the best decision by far that I've ever made. I said "I think it's a good way to go in life - I believe it's the only way". I was so satisfied with the boldness Jesus gave me at that time! It was so perfect!

My parents had said when I became a Christian I seemed happier - but it took me a while to tell them about my decision. At the end of my speech I commented and said there was a difference between happiness and joy. What I have in Jesus is joy - in the good times and the bad. I told how I have hope in Jesus in those down times. How I used to get depressed because I couldn't see the hope. And finally thanked everyone with all my heart for coming. It meant more than anything to me that my close friends and family could be there on that day. (I remember in the morning as my friends arrived I was in tears praying for God to reveal himself to them)
So yeah, it was a good day :-) We had cake, did some singstar (altho I sucked it was funny), then Went to church at night too, and served in the cafe - one of my favourite places to serve God by serving others. What a long day! But it was the best birthday of my life because JESUS CAME TO MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOHOOOOO!
I'm going to inspire conference at Eastside Apostolic next week, so will hopefully write something about that soon. Thanks for reading! I'm still yet to publish my journal from Fiji in easter this year. Too busy living in the here and now sharing about the good news of Jesus on campus! God bless, Ryan.
Monday, June 11, 2007
A simple view
"What kind of men are these?" wondered Nikolai Khamara.
"They show joy while suffering. They sing in very dark hours. When they have a piece of bread, they share it with someone who has none. Morning and evening, they fold their hands and speak to someone whom no one can see. As they do, their faces shine."
One day two Christians sat down with Khamara. He told them the sad story of his life and described himself as "a man with no confidence". He finished by saying "I am a lost man."
One of the Christians asked Khamara "Suppose somebody loses a gold ring. What is the value of that gold ring when it is lost?"
"What a foolish question!" Khamara replied. "A gold ring is a gold ring. You have lost it, but somebody else will have it."
"Then what is the value of a lost man?" the Christian asked. Answering his own question, he continued, "A lost man, even one who is a theif or an adulterer or a murderer, has the whole value of a man. He is of such value that the Son of God forsook heaven for him and died on the cross to save him."
Khamara understood.
The Christian said to the robber, "God loves you. You are valuable to him.
When Jesus met drunkards, robbers, prostitutes, or others who had committed great sins, He never asked them what sins they had committed. Instead, He told them, 'Be of good cheer. Your sins are forgiven.' I also tell you, Khamara, that your sins are forgiven because Jesus died for you. You only have to beieve."
Well, Khamara became a Christian. Some time later, the pastor of Khamara's church was arrested. The pastor wouldn't tell his torturers where to find any of the members of his church. But the KGB found Khamara. They threatened to torture Khamara infront of the pastor if he didn't speak up. The pastor was terrified. "what should I do??" he asked Khamara.
Khamara said to him, "Be faithful to Jesus and do not betray Him. I am happy to suffer for the name of Christ."
After gouging Khamara's eyes out, they threatened to cut out his tongue. In despair the pastor cried "What should I do?"
Khamara's last words were, "Praise the Lord Jesus Christ. I have said the highest words that can be said. Now, if you wish, you can cut out my tongue."
Khamara died a martyr's death.
Pretty extreme, eh? Stepping back from the torture and death, I wanted to point out why this witnessing was so successful:
1) The Christians witnessed with their lives, actions, and hearts. Even though their life was being lived in prison at the survival level, they still lives a life centered around others. There's no excuses!
2) The Christians took the initiative to sit with Khamara and listen to him.
3) Khamara was a broken man and knew he was lost. He knew he had done wrong and deserved his sentence. This probably made it easier, but still, they witnessed using a parable that the man could understand. They went down to his level. They put themselves in his shoes. They talked about losing a gold ring - something the man could easily identify with.
4) They communicated in love. This man thought he was worthless. But the Christians gently told him the truth - that God thinks he is valuable. That he is loved. And that God forgives him of his sins no matter what he's done, and that He did that by dying as a perfect man for us and getting resurrected. I especially like it how they make it so simple - "all you have to do is believe".
And from my experience, that's always what it comes down to. People either believe, or they don't. They either have salvation from their sins through Jesus Christ, or they don't (1Jn 5:11,12).
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Microsoft Surface
Saturday, May 19, 2007
We are chosen by the Father to do His work
While in the bathroom at the University of Waikato Chapel (out of all places!) I had a revelation about how awesome it is that God wants to use me for his great plan. I was thinking how cool it is that people ask me to help them out with things; hire me for work etc. but then I realized "Oh man! Our LORD and creator has hired me! How can I be worthy of this??" – I felt exactly as Paul did when he wrote this to Timothy:
1Ti 1:12 I give thanks to Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength for my work. I thank him for considering me worthy and appointing me to serve him, even though in the past I spoke evil of him and persecuted and insulted him. But God was merciful to me because I did not yet have faith and so did not know what I was doing.
I've known this for a while, but never really clicked on to how awesome that is. I would encourage anyone reading this to think about the opportunity they have in their life to help fulfill the biggest commission of all time. It's cool that people can work over many generations to build insane things like Pyramids in Egypt, but it's even cooler that we can be a part of a plan that's already been worked on for thousands of years - building God's kingdom.
Monday, May 14, 2007
I was contemplating this morning about the scripture of Luke 9:23. As a Christian, I often hear about people who start their day in prayer. I'm told we need to read our bible daily and give ourselves over to God. This verse tells us we need to do these things:
Luk 9:23 (KJV) And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.
To me, this verse is saying two things:
- We must die to ourselves and all our desires, sins, and attitudes. This for the point of allowing Jesus to save us from sin, and then to perfect us into better people until the day He returns (Philippians 1:6).
- When I think of how Jesus carried his cross in ancient days – it was upon his back. The cross was a symbol for death, and is now a symbol of Christ (I know, I need some references for this…). So it's metaphorically saying that we need to lift Jesus and therefore death above ourselves – to put him above anything in our lives. And we need to do this daily. Nowadays we follow Jesus by obeying his words written in the bible.
Because Jesus actually said this, I can't stress how important it is. It is the Word of God! Just be obedient to it and see what happens. Start the day with prayer – commit yourself to God and tell him that he's first in your life. Deny yourself and take up Jesus daily J
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
We see what our ancestors saw
Often when I just sit back and admire God's creation, I have a revelation about something. That happened tonight when I took 5 seconds out of my night to stare up at the stars from Hamilton.
I thought back to people thousands of years ago, and realised that almost everything on earth is probably different now than what they would have seen. But not the sky... they would have seen the clouds, stars, sun, and moonlight very similarly to what we see now. It's not surprising that when people think of heaven, they think of the sky. The sky is something that's consistent. The clouds won't change colour. There will always be moonlight and sunrises.
And it's the same with God who is in heaven. God's character is not going to change over the ages of time. He's not going to go back on his promises. Psalm 119:90 is talking to God, and it says "Your faithfulness endures through all the ages; you have set the earth in place, and it remains."
Also, I think we can be more connected to God now than in the past when his secrets were hidden. There is a lot of scripture which tells us this:
Paul writes:
Rom 16:25 Let us give glory to God! He is able to make you stand firm in your faith, according to the Good News I preach about Jesus Christ and according to the revelation of the secret truth which was hidden for long ages in the past.
Eph 3:8 I am less than the least of all God's people; yet God gave me this privilege of taking to the Gentiles the Good News about the infinite riches of Christ,
Eph 3:9 and of making all people see how God's secret plan is to be put into effect. God, who is the Creator of all things, kept his secret hidden through all the past ages,
Eph 3:10 in order that at the present time, by means of the church, the angelic rulers and powers in the heavenly world might learn of his wisdom in all its different forms.
Eph 3:11 God did this according to his eternal purpose, which he achieved through Christ Jesus our Lord.
Eph 3:12 In union with Christ and through our faith in him we have the boldness to go into God's presence with all confidence.
I'm liking this Good News Bible translation :-)
This scripture also shows us it's God working in us..
Col 1:25 And I have been made a servant of the church by God, who gave me this task to perform for your good. It is the task of fully proclaiming his message,
Col 1:26 which is the secret he hid through all past ages from all human beings but has now revealed to his people.
Col 1:27 God's plan is to make known his secret to his people, this rich and glorious secret which he has for all peoples. And the secret is that Christ is in you, which means that you will share in the glory of God.
Col 1:28 So we preach Christ to everyone. With all possible wisdom we warn and teach them in order to bring each one into God's presence as a mature individual in union with Christ.
Col 1:29 To get this done I toil and struggle, using the mighty strength which Christ supplies and which is at work in me.
Kings and prophets longed to see the power of Jesus' resurrection that we can experience today:
Luk 10:23 Jesus turned to his disciples in private and said to them, "How blessed you are to see what you've seen.
Luk 10:24 I can guarantee that many prophets and kings wanted to see and hear what you've seen and heard, but they didn't."
Eph 3:11 above talks about God sending Jesus at the time he did according to his eternal purpose. I don't quite understand that as a human being with limited knowledge, but the preceding sentence gave a little revelation into it. It says that God wanted us and heaven to look back at history and see His wisdom in all it's forms. That's kinda cool... God has a huge history, and I encourage anyone seeking the truth to look back at it to see how he has been working in our world to bring it to what it is!!! I know I'll be reading more of the old testament now.
Finally, God is still the same supreme being that our ancestors worshipped. So that's another thing we see that our ancestors saw. I guess what I'm trying to point out though is that we get to see even more of God than they could have when they were on earth! High five God! Thank you for sending us your only and beloved Son Jesus Christ.
Thanks for reading my random segued thoughts. Any questions or want to know more? Just drop me an email.
Monday, May 7, 2007
My Water Baptism
So for anyone reading this who's interested in coming along, I'm going to ask Eastside Apostolic Church in Hamilton if they would hold a baptism after the 10:40am service on July 8. Put it on your calendar! Everyone is invited, even if you're not a Christian.
Saturday, May 5, 2007
New blog :-)
This website will cover two main topics: Technology, and Christianity.
I plan to share my spiritual views to the world and to help people seek the truth to life's big questions. I'm currently studying computer science, and I'm a Microsoft Student Partner. So I will be advertising for various Microsoft events happening in Hamilton, New Zealand.
I've named this blog God -> Ryan -> World -> God. The reason for this is that God is first, and he will be using me (Ryan) to share about Him to the World, who ultimately end up knowing God personally. God is also the beginning and the end of life as we know it, so it seems quite fitting. I will also be sharing to the world about cool technology and software that's out there. However, my main passion is Jesus Christ, and serving Him; so I will more than likely be heading into full-time ministry where God has called me to be a missionary after I graduate. No doubt computers will come into play somewhere in my walk with the Lord.
Sunday, March 4, 2007
Christian Divorce Rates
Some people have been told that church statistics are the same as those who don't attend church. For those of us who frequent church (weekly), this is discouraging. However, it's not true!! The statistics are actually encouraging!
I did a bit of investigating for myself because, being the logical person I am, I don't generally like to accept statistics on a once-heard basis. I prefer to see stuff written down instead of hearing it in a sermon. I looked up statistics mainly on divorce, since this is such a hugely controversial topic for many people, and one that the church focuses on (or should focus on!) a lot.
I can tell you that 48% of all non-Christians get divorced, while only 32% of all frequent Christians get divorced. Frequent is attending church at least about once a week or more. This data comes from the General Social Survey (GSS, 2000-2004)—one of the best known sources of sociological data.
For more information, and a few more statistics about other religions and Christians who don't attend church, Bradley Wright did a pretty concise analysis, and also comments on why some people may be getting mis-informed from a well publicized study by George Barna. Check out his blog post here.
By the way, if anyone wants to know, because it took me a while to find: According to the 2006 New Zealand Census, 53% of New Zealanders show a relation to some kind of Christian denomination. BUT it's a common belief that only about 5% of those Christians are living a full and satisfied life keeping God top priority, and growing spiritually because of that.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Four Fundamental Questions of Life
When talking to people of all walks of life, I find that we differ most in opinion about the following four questions:
- What's the origin of life?
- Are moral standards set by culture? If not, where do they come from?
- What's our destiny?
- What's the meaning of life?
I sometimes found myself confused and scared when I thought about the answers to these questions. I used to believe we had no soul and that when we died we simply died in the physical way. Let me tell you, that's the devil trying to pull you down into hell. I even had to rewrite this entire article because the devil wouldn't allow it to be saved on my website that easily. And I'm a computer expert.
Life is more than just the physical. We are spiritual beings, hence why most of the Human population has believed in some form of higher being since the beginning of time. The good news is that God in the flesh, Jesus Christ, provided answers for all of these questions and more. His answers to the above four questions are in line with reality and have internal consistency, unlike any other faith system. Click read more below to find out the answers.
You mean someone knows where we came from?
You bet! The book of Genesis in The Bible tells us that we are created in God's image by God himself. We are not identical to God, but distinct from Him. Since we are created in his image, God gave us dominion over all living creatures and plants. Furthermore, because we are made in His image, this accounts for human beings having a moral point of reference.
Moral point of what?
Moral point of reference. In a nutshell God gave us free will and the conscience to know what is right and wrong in our hearts. However, it's in our nature to try and live life our own way, by the corrupt moral standards imposed from society and culture. We can inevitably set those values, so it doesn't make any sense to judge us against them. But there's a set of morals that don't change: The entry requirements to heaven as set by God. God is permanent, eternal, infinite, and inseparable from his character. Just in case we can't see those values in our heart, Moses spelled them out for us in the book of Exodus in The Bible.
So wait a second, if I abide by these moral standards I have a free ticket to heaven? Absolutely, but is God first in your life? Do you love him with "heart, mind, soul and strength"? Have you made a God to suit yourself? Have you used his name in vain? Have you set aside a day for rest in God? Have you always honored your parents? Have you ever hated anyone, and therefore committed murder in your heart? Have you looked with lust and therefore committed adultery in your heart? Have you lied (including "fibs"), stolen (the value is irrelevant), or coveted other people's possessions? If you are honest you know you will be found guilty on Judgment Day. And this isn't a movie about robots who take over the world.
Sounds hard? The only man alive who could do it was Jesus - and he was God, so that doesn't count!
So what's our destiny then? An eternity in hell?
Yes. Not!! God loves us too much for that! He doesn't want that to happen, but he does require that heaven is perfect. God has made provision for your debt to the law to be paid in full, so you can be completely forgiven and enter heaven when you die.
When Jesus died on the cross, He was taking your punishment Himself. You broke God's Law, but Jesus Christ paid your fine. Three days later he rose from the grave, defeating death, proving he was God and proving that all he said was true.
To be forgiven of all your sin, God is commanding you to sincerely repent (to turn away from all the things you know are wrong) and to trust in his Son for the rest of your life. When you repent honestly and sincerely before God, acknowledging your sin and turning from it, and accepting Jesus Christ as your Saviour, God will forgive you and grant you everlasting life. It's a free gift! But in order for someone to give a gift, the receiver must take it.
Okay so eternal life aside, why am I here on earth?
One reason: To glorify and worship God, our creator! I think the decisions we make on this life determine our place in the next life. Look at everything around you, including the complexity of DNA. Is this an accident? Did we evolve to be so intelligent? How great is our God!
If you want to know more, get in touch with me!
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Fear the Lord
This note is the start of many small moral studies from my own life experience. If no one learns anything from it, at least I did.
We just had a flat meeting here. I had lied to my flatmate a while ago about the reason I didn't buy milk for the flat in time. I said that I hadn't been eating cereal for a while and so I hadn't had much of a chance to check the milk was running low. I thought it was the reason when I said it, but just after I said it I realized it was a lie. My other flatmate told the accusing one that I had in fact been eating cereal and that was a lie. I should have admitted to my flatmate that I lied straight away, but I chose not to (and sinned).
MY FLATMATE WAS FURIOUS when he/she got up this one morning because they had told me to get more milk and I said I would... but I didn't. Luckily for me when my flatmate fell into a fit of rage that day stomping loudly all around my room for a long time trying to get me out of bed, he/she was going away on work. So I didn't get up. I felt I deserved all that stomping and loud music.
At our flat meeting tonight the flatmate brought the incident up, and I just sat and listened. They were getting really defensive as they explained how I lied to them, as if they thought I would deny it. Then something that pleased me, in a way, came out:
"... and you lied, and you're a Christian, so you're going to HELL!" Wow, I was a little surprised at that. Obviously my flatmate is not a Christian (although the other one is Catholic so he/she instantly argued back and said "you can't say that..." etc). I just sat there and shook my head. I had never had anyone use my religeon openly against me before. The reason I didn't take offense to it, and the reason it pleased me was because I think I knew it pleased God. Plus, I'm positive of my salvation, and so I didn't question it at all.
You might think "Why would this kind of speech please God?". The reason is because my flatmate showed a fear of God. They had no right to Judge whether I go to heaven or hell, because only God has that right. God will judge my flatmate in the same way that he/she judged me today (see Mat 7:1).
Obviously there is some kind of fear/threat here because the fact that he/she brought Christianity into the argument in the first place shows that they know at least some part of it is powerful and real.
Mat 10:28 (NIV) [Jesus] "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the one who can destroy both soul and body in hell."
And to emphasise the point that it's God we should fear:
Isa 8:12-13 (NIV) "...Do not fear what they fear, and do not dread it. The Lord Almighty is the one you are to regard as holy, he is the one you are to fear, he is the one you are to dread."
Ps 76:4,7 (NIV) "You [O God] are resplendent with light... You alone are to be feared."
Now check out why this is exciting:
Ps 111:10 (NEB) "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and they who live by it grow in understanding..."
Prov 9:10 (NEB) "The first step to wisdom is the fear of the Lord, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding."
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
A definite career decision
I've finally made a decision for my university exchange to the states. Although I more than likely could have gone, I've decided not to.
My neighbour helped me realise that I was planning to go for the wrong selfish reasons. Going to America meant I was pursuing the path of my own happiness - the computer programmer that would be living in a flash new house and who owns an awesome car. Those dreams are fading though because they would never keep me truly happy. They are being replaced by a more passionate God-driven vision I have. A burning desire to help others. There's nothing more exciting than to see what God is doing in other people's lives. Unless you've experienced that (say - a friend coming to know Christ), then you can't imagine how exciting it is. I want to do that full-time.
But I haven't abandoned computers completely. They have been my passion for over 10 years, and always will be. However, I just know that I'm made to do more. I'm made to save lives. I'm made to help people grow into amazingly awesome people. God wants to use me in these ways, so I'm going to let Him, and see what happens! Now I'm excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So this year I'm going to be out on the university of waikato campus. I'm going to be helping new students move in to the Halls of Residence. I'll be helping students tune in to Jesus through the Student Life club here. I'll be sharing the gospel with people who want to know God and his infinite love more. And I honestly don't care what people think of me doing this. Including you mum!
I have other plans too, after a term of doing that I will be well trained to go to Fiji and help accelerate their campus ministry in easter!
Friday, February 2, 2007
I'm sitting at home, just got back from work.
It feels like my head is actually going to explode, throbbing even after lying down and relaxing for a while. My eyes can't focus properly. My neck is like a tight knot, and my right shoulder has been spasming for at least a week. How the hell do people work on computers full time? It beats me, because I don't even do the same hours, and I've only been working for a month now - though I do work hard, usually without breaks. Plus having 6 kids screaming and fighting all the time around the office amplifies the stress factor for me by about 10x, especially when Debbie's kids get on her nerves too.